Pittsburgh Area Personal Care Home Consulting Free!
Pittsburgh Area Personal Care Home Consulting Free!
Personal Care Homes/Assisted Living Centers are a step up from living alone and a step below nursing home care. They provide twenty –four hour supervision and assistance with activities of daily living (e.g. bathing, dressing eating mobility, etc.). These tasks often become difficult for individuals during periods of recovery from illness and/or for older
adults who have physical and/or cognitive impairments. PCH/ALC generally include laundry, housekeeping services, medical administration and recreational/companionship activities which eliminate much of the loneliness and depression in elderly adults.
PCH's and ALC's have many different structural settings, and levels of care. Some are
very small and provide intimate environments with hands on guidance. Others are larger facilities that promote more of an independent lifestyle with minimal assistance. They usually have more amenities and provide apartment like settings and are more selective in their care levels.
Alzheimer and dementia units are specialized PCH's/ALC's that can be free standing
facilities by themselves or a particular unit within a facility. These special care units are usually secured or locked to protect those that wander or may be an elopement risk as this is a big characteristic of someone with dementia. They often have an enclosed, safe and secure area to walk around. Alzheimer and dementia units usually have specialized services and increased staffing to aid in those suffering with significant behavioral, memory and physical problems.
In choosing one of these homes it is important to know the needs of your loved one
so that the right choice can be made.
"My mom has significant short term memory loss but I don't want her in an Alzheimer home. Where can I go?"
"My mom needs assistance to walk and cannot get out of bed on her own. What PCHs / ALCs will provide her with the hands
on assistance she requires?"
"My dad is on oxygen and has a bad heart. He requires more medical attention. What PCHs / ALCs can manage this care?"
“My parents are both requiring increased care but they have different needs. My mom needs medical and physical attention and dad takes care of her. He too is aging and wants to be near her. Is there a place where they can both go together and stay in the same facility but one that allows my dad to be in a more independent environment with amenities for a sense of control and privacy?”
"My brother is a young man, has multiple sclerosis and is losing his sight, is there a suitable home for him?"
Office: 724.274.2177
Cell: 412.973.2596
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